Children and Youth

Children’s Ministry

The mission of our children’s ministry is to gather children in love and help them grow in the Word of God so they will be equipped to go into the world as disciples of Christ. With Sunday school, Vacation Bible School (VBS), activities, camps and more, children are loved and valued at First Methodist McKinney–a place to grow spiritually, physically, mentally, and socially. Find out more here…

Youth Ministry

In youth ministries, we learn how faith applies to the world around us through community, service, worship, study, events, fun, and conversations. We live into our mission to build Christian community by equipping students, parents, and adults and providing space to lead students into a deeply committed faith with joy and love in Jesus. Explore Sunday School, Sunday night youth, trips, missions, events, music, and more here…
Nursery care is available at the 9:00, 10:05, and 11:10 am hours for children who are four years old and under and not enrolled in kindergarten. Our nursery is safe and secure with caring staff. Register here…
HEART Special Needs Ministry strives to provide a supportive, loving, and safe environment for preschoolers through adolescents with special needs to experience the love of Christ through their spiritual journey with their peers.
Children’s Music provides an opportunity for children to learn to worship God through the power of music and use their gifts for the ministry of the church. We have both choral and handbell groups.
HOPE School, Hands On Preschool Education, is just that! Children are engaged in learning in meaningful ways and grow in knowledge and in the love of God.
Children’s Advocacy is important in our ministries to support justice for the well being of children and families. Learn more…


For more information, feel free to contact us. You many sign up for newsletters here.
Children’s Ministry: Cheridy Dodd, Minister with Children & Families
Youth Ministry: CJ Rice, Minister with Youth & Families
Preschool: Jane Mills, HOPE School Director
Nursery: Ashley Lehman, Nursery Director