What changes have we made in our lives, and what changes do we still need to make? How are we making change in the world, and how does that work change our own walk with Jesus? Are we open to making changes in the way we live our lives? Are we open to the transformative love of God making change in us and through us?
First Methodist McKinney has been making change for the better in Collin County and across the globe this year. We have shared food with our neighbors, collected supplies for disaster relief, and opened our doors as an emergency warming station during the Winter Storm. We have helped children in Haiti and Guatemala access life-changing medical care, and mentored children here at Caldwell Elementary.
We’re asking all who are connected to First Methodist McKinney to Make Change in your giving in the following ways:
- If this is your church and you are not giving intentionally, Make Change and start giving on a regular basis. Your church depends on your faithfulness and generosity.
- If you are already giving, Make Change by tithing. A tithe is the Biblical model of giving a tenth to the Lord. This is a powerful act of faith.
- If you are already tithing, Make Change by considering an additional gift to bless the work and ministries of our church in the year to come.