Help Needed at the Warming Shelter

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! The upcoming forecast calls for very cold weather, and we need help to care for those experiencing homelessness.
The Salvation Army of McKinney offers an overnight warming shelter when the temperature dips to 32 degrees or 35 degrees with rain.  We help support this with volunteers to staff and prepare meals.  You can sign up to work a shift by clicking here.  If you are willing to help cook part of a meal or assist with laundry, please direct any questions to Velvet Hammond 214-726-6484 or email her.


An Evening with the Pokomchi

Sunday, January 21


Dyer Hall

We are excited and honored to welcome visiting Pokomchí delegates from Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. Please join us for an evening of traditional food, music, culture, and fellowship!
Please RSVP for this event by January 17. To help offset the cost of food, we ask for a love offering of $10 per person.  Reservations are now closed.  You can still make a donation to this mission here.


Volunteers Needed for Christmas Eve Communion

Christmas Eve is going to be a busy day at First United Methodist, and you can help make it happen! Our biggest need right now is for volunteer Communion Servers. There are almost 30 open spots to serve communion, with needs at the 3:00, 5:00, 7:00, 9:00, and 11:00 services. Click here to volunteer, or email Pastor Macie for more information!


Music Ministries Christmas Program

Music ministries of First United Methodist Church McKinney invite you to an evening of Christmas carols. The night will feature the chancel and youth choirs, flutes, bells, harp, oboe, piano, organ, and you!
Event Details
When: Sunday, December 3 at 7:00 pm
Where: Sanctuary, First United Methodist Church McKinney


October Parents’ Night Out

October Parent’s Night Out: Friday, October 6, 2023 from 5pm-8pm in the Nursery area.

Enjoy a Parents’ Night Out while your kiddos come play, eat and have fun! All kids birth-5th grade are welcome to attend. Dinner will be provided, but please bring a labeled water bottle with water only for your children.

Your child is welcome to wear Halloween-themed pajamas!
**Please no costumes and all imagery on their clothing needs to be preschool-aged appropriate.

This event will be $25 for 1 child, $40 for 2 children and $45 for 3+ children.

Volunteers interested in helping can reach out to Ashley Lehman.


Caregiver Support Group

A caregiver provides support to others in need, very often to a loved one. Our Caregiver Support Group meets to support caregivers in their own needs. This group is open to any caregiver who wants to join the meetings, regardless of church membership.
Our Caregiver support group is currently on pause. For more information, please contact Pastor Ed Volfe
Tenets of our group:
. To provide a confidential and comfortable space for caregivers to share their stories and learn about each other’s journey as caregivers.
. To help ease the stress of caregiving and enhance decision making and problem solving related to their caregiving responsibilities.
. To help caregivers connect with others in similar situations and become a great source of encouragement for each other.
. To provide an outlet for caregivers to express their emotions and thoughts without being judged.
. To help reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness.
. To help caregivers learn what to expect.
For more information, please email Amy Flanagain or Pastor Ed Volfe


Caring Connections Ministry

We are in the process of putting together a ministry opportunity to serve our church members who are at home or in assisted living/nursing home facilities and are unable to attend services in person.
CARING CONNECTIONS will help our church members feel loved, valued and connected to our church. Each participant will be assigned a church member to visit once a month, provide cards, and make phone calls.
If you’re interested in this new opportunity, click here to sign up and learn more!


Medical Supplies for Panama

Our 2023 Panama Mission Trip will be taking medical, dental, construction and VBS teams to serve the people of Santa Fe, Panama. The area missionaries need a few additional over-the-counter meds/supplies. If you can help with this need, click here to see our Amazon wishlist. All items will be delivered directly to the team.
If you want to learn more about this mission, click here to visit our Panama page!


August 2023 Blood Drive

It’s that time again! Our next quarterly blood drive is Sunday, August 20th from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Church Street Auditorium. Will you be the one who saves our 10,000th life?
For more information and to sign up, visit our blood drive page!


Stop the Bleed Training

The American College of Surgeons STOP THE BLEED® campaign has trained over 1 million people to identify and intervene in cases of life-threatening bleeding. We will be offering a free training course Thursday, July 27 at 2:00 pm in the Parlor. Please use the form below to sign up and learn to save a life! The event is open to anyone in the community, so please invite your friends and neighbors.