Caring for God’s Creation – Pastor Ed

We have all heard the story of the Creation in the book of Genesis in the Bible. For the longest time growing up, when I thought about Creation I thought about the Moon, the Stars, the Sun, the animals… not so much the humans God had also created. For some reason, for me, these humans belonged in a different category, as if they were more special and above Creation. Do not ask me why!

But then, it dawned on me the humans were indeed part of the whole of God’s Creation! And the Bible highlights that everything God created was “good” and “very good.”

Only God can generate “good” (goodness) in God’s own Creation. We need God to instill in us goodness. Only God’s goodness in us will empower and enable us to care for God’s Creation: the life in the sea, land, and air; and of course, our fellow humans! God has placed you and me, the humans, in a position to care for God’s Creation. That means God wants you and me to care for each other, as well! That means we will do no harm to each other, and we will do everything we can to do good towards our fellow brothers and sisters.

I think when we are able to see other people as God’s beloved and very good Creations, and that they have also been created in God’s own image, we will be able to unleash God’s “good” (goodness) into the world as God intends us to.

Pastor Ed


First Day of School – Pastor Tommy

I remember the first day of school when I was growing up in Irving, Texas. The smells, the sounds, the feel of long pants after a summer of shorts. I remember my kids’ first days of school. I remember the energy and many emotions. How it felt when they left for their first years of college. I remember first days of school volunteering at Caldwell, handing out pencils and holding open doors.
This year, though, it’s different. Our schedules are different. Emotions are different. The excitements and worries and difficulties are magnified and complicated.
Many things are different this year, but we are still the same. We help each other. Love each other. Pray for each other. This is who we have always been.
In this Echo, you will see the names of church members who are teachers, administrators, and staff in our schools. Please pray for these wonderful people. Pray for our students and parents.
Also remember, in times when so much is different, love is still the same. Speak love. Act love. Post love on your Facebook. Jesus said “Let your light so shine before others, that they may see your good works and give glory to your father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).
Let’s be the Church together. Let’s be our best selves together. Let’s remember who we are and whose we are.
Pastor Tommy


Laying a Firm Foundation – Pastor Stacey

I walked the foundation of Melissa UMC with Pastor Tommy a few weeks ago. We stood on the sacred space where our sanctuary will be, where our community will gather to pray, worship, and share life together. We stood on the sacred ground where our classrooms and coffee shop will be, where people will come to meet their neighbors and to make new friends. We remembered the journey we have been on in McKinney and Melissa since 2012 when the dream for this church began to be a reality. We celebrated our connectedness, even in a season of being physically distanced from one another.
You have the opportunity to be a part of laying a firm foundation for our new church building in Melissa. On Sunday, August 9 at noon, we will gather in person on the property (physically distanced and wearing masks) to lay blessing capsules in the foundation of our new church. You can let us know you are coming to the property or send a message to be placed on the field here: 
God is faithful as we continue the work of sharing love across our communities. We have much to be grateful for!
Pastor Stacey


Communion – Pastor Tommy

This Sunday is Communion Sunday. I can’t believe how long it has been since we worshiped together in person. I miss it. I know you do, too.
Because it has been a different experience in the mornings, it has been harder for me to get ready for worship. I have to be more intentional in prayer on Sunday morning. I have to limit distractions. A few weeks ago, waiting in my office for our service to start, I decided I should take time to clean my desk. I ended up accidentally throwing away my sermon notes, and didn’t realize it until I went in the sanctuary to start worship! Now, instead of cleaning or scrolling through social media, I breathe deep. I spend time picturing your faces and praying for you by name.
Take time to get ready this Sunday. Prepare an altar, maybe a cross and a candle. Pray over the elements as you lay them out. Picture the faces of your church family members, of everyone you love and miss, and pray for them by name. Pray for your pastors and worship leaders (pray that they aren’t frantically searching for Tommy’s sermon notes!). Pray for the Spirit to come.
We will worship together on Sunday. Be strong and courageous. Do not grow weary. God is with us. See you online.