Coronavirus Updates + Re-Gathering Plan
First Methodist McKinney is currently in Phase 3 of our Re-Gathering Plan, resuming in-person activities and worship!
You are welcome to join us for online or in-person worship and groups! To request an indoor or outdoor group meeting, email
Details of the Phased Re-Gathering Plan can be found below.
For our Health & Safety Guidelines, click here.
Please check back for updates.

A message from Pastor Tommy, March 31, 2021
Dear Friends,
Beginning April 11, we are adding new opportunities to worship! We have worked hard to provide multiple options for everyone to worship safely and according to their comfort levels. Take a look at our new Sunday morning offerings!
- Indoor Worship – 9 and 10:05 in the Sanctuary and Dyer Hall. It’s been a long time since we have shared Sunday morning worship in our building! We will be wearing our masks, limiting our seating capacity, and following safety protocols. Come join us.
- Outdoor Worship – 11:10 at the Hub Pavilion. If you don’t feel comfortable gathering indoors, or if you’d just like to spend time outside on a beautiful spring morning, join us for an outdoor service led by our Sanctuary and Wellspring teams together.
- Online Worship – Sanctuary at 10:05, Wellspring at 11:10. I’ve heard from a lot of you all how much you like staying at home and worshiping in your pajamas (don’t worry, I won’t name names). Our online services will be live at their regular times on our website and Facebook.
- Sunday School – Children and youth are coming back to Sunday School, and some adult classes are beginning to gather as well. Talk to your class leaders for more information.
Of course, we will continue wearing masks and following safety protocols at all of our in-person gatherings. As more people get vaccinated, this is a critical time to take care of each other. We are always monitoring numbers and talking with health experts – we will change our plans as needed.
Please let us know if you plan on coming to any of our new in-person services by visiting our website to RSVP.
Thank you for your faithfulness over the past twelve months. You have shared the heart of Christ during difficult times. We will keep being the Church – indoors, outdoors, and online.
Dr. Thomas O. Brumett
Senior Pastor
Phased Re-Gathering Plan
A Guide for Returning to Church Faithfully and Safely
A Phased Approach to Reopening
We have adopted a four-phase approach for re-gathering! Phases are not based on dates, but rather on prevailing health conditions and current governmental guidelines. We will work to serve our community and our church family in the safest way possible. We are now beginning Phase 2: Small Groups
Phase 1: Online
Phase 2: Small Groups
Phase 3: Blended Ministry (Current Phase)
Phase 4: Future
- All ministry is online. No in-person events or gatherings are held.
- Limited staff in accordance with government guidelines.
- Social distancing, mask wearing, cleaning protocols in place.
- Join us online for great worship services and new devotionals.
- Connect with our ministry areas on social media.
- Celebrate Holy Communion at home with us.
- Check the newsletter for ways to help and get help.
- All ministry is primarily online (worship is online only).
- The church will coordinate and host small group events. All groups will meet outdoors on the pavilion at the Hub.
- Groups can register/reserve a time and location by emailing reservations@sharingtheheart.
org - Protocols, directions, and safety guidelines will be shared via email with groups and posted on location
- Staff will be available if needed
- Social distancing will be followed, masks are required, hand washing/sanitizing, reminder signs are posted.
- Continue to engage in online worship and devotionals.
- Take this opportunity to find a new class or Bible study. Check out our new and existing groups to find the right fit for you.
- Use this as a safe way to meet with a Sunday School class or group that you’re already part of.
PHASE 3: BLENDED (Current Phase)
- Ministry will be a combination of online and in-person. Worship will remain primarily online, with small in-person worship services added in the Sanctuary and in Wellspring.
- In-person worship will have limited seating capacity to allow for distancing, limited staff, masks required, sanitizer stations, and reorganized traffic flow. Other changes to how we worship may be made as needed.
- Reminder that many of us are “safer at home.”
- Continue to stay connected online.
- Meet with your small group or Sunday School class.
- Come to an in-person service if you are healthy and feel safe doing so.
This is to be determined depending on what occurs in the fall, government guidelines, and how MISD resumes.
- Ministry will be a combination of online and in-person. Worship services continue in Sanctuary and Wellspring, with capacity to be determined.
- Small groups may return to buildings.
- Staff and volunteers determined by government guidance.
- Limited physical contact, masks encouraged, sanitizer stations.
- Venues open for programming (Hub and Auditorium).
- Continue to stay connected in different ways as we move forward
- Social media
- Website
- Newsletter
- Small groups
- Devotionals