My heart is steadfast, O God;
my heart is steadfast.
I will sing and make melody.
Awake, my soul!
Awake, O harp and lyre!
I will awake the dawn.
I will give thanks to you, O Lord, among the peoples;
I will sing praises to you among the nations.
For your steadfast love is as high as the heavens;
your faithfulness extends to the clouds.
Psalm 57:7-10

Lent is forty days of reflection on the spiritual disciplines. It’s a time when we focus on the basic things we are called to do as Christians – to worship God, to serve our neighbors, to pray for one another, to study scripture, and to love all of God’s children. 

These disciplines are vital to our spiritual lives together. But spiritual disciplines aren’t a punishment. They aren’t something we do sadly in a room alone, something we do out of resignation or obligation. These disciplines open our hearts, wake our souls, and free us to be who we are created to be!

This year, we come into Lent under the theme of “Awake, my soul.” Worship, service, prayer, scripture study, and love: these are active ways we are called to get up and live our faith in the world. We can wake up, take action, and be empowered together!

Ash Wednesday - click here to worship
Wednesday, March 5th at Noon and 6:30 pm
Join us as we mark the beginning of Lent with worship and prayer. Nursery is available at the 6:30 service. If you are attending online, you may prepare a small bowl of olive oil to use at home instead of receiving ashes. 
March 4th from 6-7:30pm at The Hub.
Invite friends and come out to our annual Fat Tuesday Pancake Dinner! This is a great way to join in Fellowship and begin the Lenten season.
A love offering is appreciated.
Every Easter, instead of purchasing lilies to decorate our sanctuary, we buy “virtual lilies” to support Grace Children’s Hospital in Haiti. Your donation is a wonderful way to remember or honor a loved one. 
More info coming soon!
We are collecting hams for our Easter Feeding Friends & Family food distribution.  We need at least 75 hams and they are $25-$30 each.
Would you like to contribute?
Want to get involved and volunteer at FFF? Check out our volunteer page.
New Video Devotional Series!
Every Tuesday until Easter, you’ll hear a different pastor give their thoughts on how we can wake up and worship, serve, pray, learn, and love one another.
Begins March 11th! 
Lent Calendar for Families.  A calendar filled with opportunities to pray, give, love, and share! 
Family Devotional Guide.  This is a weekly reflection guide for your household with scriptures, prayers, and activities.
Breath Prayers             
Finger Labyrinth         
Pretzel Prayer          
We need your help! Easter Sunday is going to be a big day, and it won’t happen without volunteers. From holding open doors to following up with first-time visitors, there is so much that needs to be done. Please fill out our Easter Volunteer Form!  For more information, email Kathy.
Encounters with Jesus is a transformative Lenten journey that invites you to experience the life-changing moments of those who met Jesus face-to-face. Each week explores powerful themes that draw us closer to God’s heart—calling us to embrace humility, worship with undivided devotion, clear out spiritual clutter, pursue deep transformation and rest in the assurance of God’s unwavering love. This series invites you to encounter Jesus in ways that shape your heart, renew your spirit and transform your life.
Weekly messages from Bishop Saenz will be available every Sunday morning throughout Lent, offering inspiration and reflection to start your week.