To find out more about care ministries and options for virtual meetings, please contact Rev. Ed Volfe at edvolfe@sharingtheheart.org, 972-562-8556, x3208. We now have a Pastoral Care telephone number for emergencies. You can call (469)408-6682 for situations such as hospitalizations, a new diagnosis, or crisis. Please call the church line if you are looking for resources or information.
Congregational Care Ministries
As the church family we reach out to care for each other by praying, writing notes, making phone calls, bringing food, creating prayer shawls, and more. For more information about serving in caring ministries, please visit our Congregational Care page.
Grief Support
Adult grief support sessions are offered at various times throughout the year. All are welcome regardless of church affiliation or membership. Read more…
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministry is a Christian one-on-one confidential care-giving ministry. Trained Stephen Ministers walk alongside people who are suffering from crises such as serious illness, grief, job loss, family difficulties, or other challenging life events, offering emotional and spiritual encouragement. Read more…

Caring Connections
Caring Connections is a lay-led ministry opportunity to serve our church members who are at home or in assisted living/nursing home facilities and are unable to attend services in person. Click here to learn more and sign up!
Caregiver Support Group
A caregiver provides support to others in need, very often to a loved one. Our Caregiver Support Group meets to support caregivers in their own needs. This group is open to any caregiver who wants to join the meetings, regardless of church membership. Click here to learn more and sign up!
Military and Veterans Prayer Fellowship
We have many veterans in our First United Methodist Church community, with differing experiences and different needs, but all with a shared background of service and sacrifice. This group gives active-duty military, veterans, and their families the opportunity to meet, hear speakers on topics of interest, share stories, and exchange information in prayerful and enjoyable environment. Meetings are held in-person on the second Wednesday of the month at 10am at the church. The programs usually last one hour, with follow-on discussions as schedules permit. Email Kim or Marky for questions or a zoom link.
Senior Ministries
We have a variety of groups and special events for those growing old in Christ, as well as special resources for adult children and families helping with elder care. Click here to visit our Senior Ministries page.
Families Anonymous
Created as a fellowship for the family and friends of individuals with drug, alcohol, or related behavioral issues, Families Anonymous groups meet regularly for mutual support. Virtual meetings are available Tuesdays @ 7:00 p.m. Click here for details. Contact: texens@me.com or call 972-839-0969.
Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL)
Parents of Addicted Loved Ones is a parent support group providing hope, guidance, support, and addiction education to those who are affected by addiction. Parents and siblings over 18 are welcome at the Zoom meetings, Mondays at 7:15 pm. Contact: Grace, 602-818-1449.