We look forward to growing with you in one of our Fall classes!
If you have questions, please contact Scottie Tisdel at stisdel@sharingtheheart.org
Church Map  All classes are in the main building of First UMC unless otherwise stated.
DISCIPLE I: Becoming Disciples through Bible Study (main church building & Zoom)
Wednesdays @ 6:30 pm in Dyer Hall & Online
Led by Dr. Tommy Brumett
34 weeks, beginning Sept 4
We think everyone should take Disciple I at least once! This course moves through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. The first half focuses on the Old Testament and the second half on the New Testament. Participants will read more than 70 percent of the Bible. The Bible readings for each lesson follow the chronological movement of the biblical story. Groups meet weekly for about two hours. Participants commit to personal daily preparation (30-40 minutes) and weekly group meetings (34 weeks).
DISCIPLE I: Becoming Disciples through Bible Study (Online-Zoom)
Sunday @ 6:00 pm Online only
Led by Jason Snyder
24 weeks, beginning Sept 8
This class is all online and will utilize Zoom and the BeADisciple App for connecting and learning. This course moves through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. The first half focuses on the Old Testament and the second half on the New Testament. Participants will read more than 70 percent of the Bible. The Bible readings for each lesson follow the chronological movement of the biblical story. Groups meet weekly for about two hours. Participants commit to personal daily preparation (30-40 minutes) and weekly group meetings (24 weeks).
Note: meetings will take place via Zoom thru the BeADisciple App. You do not need to purchase Zoom. The app itself is free, then your purchase the Disciple 1 course thru the app. See BeADiscipleApp.com for more information on the app.
Jesus in the Gospels
Sundays @ 4:00 pm (main church building)
Led by Dr. James Woods
30 weeks, beginning Sept 8 

Join Pastor James and study the name, the place, and the people, and encounter the Jesus who is both hard to ignore and hard to control–a commanding, morally compelling figure as portrayed in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. This study helps us understand that Jesus and Christianity are rooted in Judaism and the scriptures of Judaism – our Old Testament. This is a 30-week study. Prerequisite: Disciple 1.

Claiming Identity
Tuesdays @ 9:30 am in the Hub (Youth Building)
Led by Monty Forrester
12 weeks, beginning Sept 3
What made you, you? How did you come to understand and embrace who you are? How does your faith influence your understanding of yourself and the world? Claiming Identity will explore and unpack our identity as children of God and followers of Christ. 
Note: This class will choose another study and continue meeting after this study ends.
Wrestling with Doubt: Finding Faith
Wednesdays @ 6:45-8:00 pm (main church building)
Led by Christie Dickson
6 weeks, beginning Sept 4 
Everyone has doubts. Where is God when bad things happen? Does God hear our prayers? Is there a heaven? How can we know? Often we treat such questions as the enemy of faith. But uncertainty doesn’t mean our belief is lacking. This six-week study by Rev. Adam Hamilton will explore how our doubts can actually strengthen our faith. 
Note: This class will choose another study and continue meeting after this study ends.
Daniel: Lives of Integrity, Words of Prophecy
Wednesdays @ 10:00-11:30 am (main church building)
Group: Rose Christian LADIES Bible Study
12 weeks, beginning Sept 4 

Daniel: Lives of Integrity, Words of Prophecy by Beth Moore looks at biblical prophecy to glean wisdom on how to live with integrity in today’s self-absorbed society. The prophet Daniel faced unbelievable pressures to compromise his faith, to live in a hostile culture, and to confront temptations and threats.

Note: This class will choose another study and continue meeting after this study ends.

Words for Life
Tuesdays @ 10:00 am (main church building)
Led by Marilyn Hodge
Beginning Sept 3

It’s easy to get lost in the Bible. With so many different books and interweaving stories, it can feel overwhelming. A small group Bible study is the perfect way to find your place in the Bible, get a better grasp on what you’re reading, and feel more at home in the Word of God! 

The Garden Within
Sundays @ 11:00 am in Room B205
Led by Dr. Andrew Clifford and Roger Smidt
Beginning mid-September

Emotions are powerful. Yet all too often we’ve been taught to view our emotions with suspicion, seeing them as something to be suppressed, managed, or mastered. But what if we stopped fighting our emotions? What if we understood that the heart is not a battlefield but a garden to be cultivated?

We will discover ways of seeing the connection between spirit, heart, mind, and body. Just as gardens flourish in good ground, the abundant life you’ve been seeking is rooted in the soil of your heart.

DISCIPLE I Fast Track: Becoming Disciples through Bible Study
Sundays @ 6:00 pm at Melissa UMC
Led by Dr. Chad McSwain and Amber Baker
24 weeks, beginning Sept 8 (Information meeting, August 25)

Disciple I Fast Track is an adaptation of the original Disciple 1 course ideal for busy people who want to fit a comprehensive Bible study into their schedule. Classes cover the entire Bible—from Genesis to Revelation—but in a shorter time. The first half of the course focuses on the Old Testament and the second half on the New Testament. The Bible readings for each lesson follow the chronological movement of the biblical story. Groups meet weekly. Participants commitment to personal daily preparation (30-40 minutes) and weekly group meetings (24 weeks).

DISCIPLE IV: The Tree of Life
Sundays @ 6:00 pm at Melissa UMC
Led by Thomas Probst
32 weeks, beginning Sept 8 (Information meeting, August 25)

This is the final study in the Disciple program focusing on the Old Testament Writing, Gospel of John, Epistle of John, James, Jude, and Revelation. Participants commit to personal daily preparation (30-40 minutes) and weekly group meetings (32 weeks). Prerequisite: Disciple 1.