New and Upcoming
New classes and Bible studies. Great volunteer opportunities.  Ways to respond to community needs.  When something new is coming to First Methodist, you’ll find it posted here.
Or, if you’d rather the news come to you, sign up for our newsletter here.  If you have something you’d like announced or publicized, email Caitlin. 

Youth Event!

Join the youth this Sunday, November 1st as we celebrate Dia de Los Muertos. We are going to have piñatas, pan de muerto (traditional sweet bread served on the Day of the Dead), and lots of fun. We are also going to talk about what it means to have a spiritual heritage. Come join us for Sunday Night Small Groups as we celebrate together.
6th Grade @ 5-6 PM
7th – 12th Grades @ 6-7 PM


Children’s Sabbath

This Sunday is Children’s Sabbath.  Faith in Action has put together a list of resources in our community that help children.  You can read more about that list here and you can find lots of resources on justice and advocacy on that page.


Coat Drive

We are still collecting new and gently used coats during the month of October.  These will be distributed by our friends at Baby Booties Diaper Bank.

If you have any new or gently used winter coats for people of any age or size, you can drop them off in the large bin outside the main doors for the church.


God’s Redemption and Transformation – Book Study – From Homeless and Hungry to Wholeness and Helping

Email for Zoom Link.
Week 1 – October 18 – 9AM – We begin our journey with Yvette in Chapters 1 and 2.  We discover how she became homeless and how one kind interaction began the journey toward healing. One small gesture can make a huge difference!
Week 2 – October 25 – 9AM –   This week we will be learning how the current pastoral staff of The Roadside Church, Barry and RaNea Card, started this ministry.  They will share their journey how God works in their lives and continues to open doors.  Their story is very similar to Yvette Carters from chapter 3. 
Week 3 – November 1 – 9AM – Our next chapter is talking about what is Food Insecure VS Food Stable.  This week we will be talking with Pam Parmley who has always had a passion for helping feed those that are in need.  She has led our ongoing food program “Feeding Friends and Family” working alongside Community Lifeline Center.
Week 4 – November 8 – 9AM – Our chapter is Helping the Outcast our guest this week is Paul Ballesteros from the organization Emmanuel Labor.  Their motto is “LOVEtheONEinFRONTofYOU”.  Paul will share the importance of acceptance and relationship.  His organization works to remove the Lessness from homelessness.
Week 5 – November 15 – 9AM – This week we will be learning about the ministry of Steetside Showers with Lance Olinski.  Lance has a deep passion to provide showers to those in need.  To bring dignity to one person at a time.  This ties into our 6th chapter The Growth and Ministry of Open Arms.
Week 6 – November 22 – 9AM – We will conclude our book with Final Thoughts. This book shows us that each of us can spread the Love of Jesus Christ even in small gestures.  Make it a goal this week to be mindful of each gesture you do no matter how small.


Blood Drive October 25

October 25th  Blood drive

8 to 12:30

Church St. Auditorium, lower level

Goal 60  (we will have 4 Carter Blood Teams)


Bring your masks. Carter Blood Care will take all necessary precautions during your donation!


Sign up online using the following link;  


Quick Scan on your phone day of donation:



Military Fellowship

*CORRECTION: In The Echo, the date mentioned was Saturday.  This group actually meets on Wednesday.
How to Join:
Contact either Kim or Marky with your contact information and the Zoom
information will be provided to you.Contacts:
• Kim Beeby (; 214-801-2626)
• Marky Campbell (; 302-802-3732)


Communion this Sunday!

This Sunday is Communion!  Please make sure you have some kind of drink (juice, water, sweet tea, Dr. Pepper) and some type of bread (loaf of sourdough, hamburger bun, waffle) so that you can have Communion at home.
Our Communion Rail Offering this month is for UMCOR, the United Methodist Committee on Relief.  They support local disaster relief efforts.  You can give by going to our giving portal and selecting “McKinney Special Offerings” on the dropdown menu and writing “UMCOR” in the memo.


Faith in Action Small Group

Join our Faith in Action group for this interesting video series!
Watch a Vital Conversations video series produced by the United Methodist Church General Commission on Religion & Race and engage in a small group discussion after.

Vital Conversations takes place monthly online via Zoom on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 10:00 am and 7:00 pm; choose the time that works for you. All are welcome!  


Register for Fall Classes

It’s time to register for fall classes!  Check out what we’re offering – some are in person!  There are lots of awesome choices for you to join.  Let’s get started!


3rd Grade Bibles

Third Graders – mark your calendar for September 20 when you will be presented with a special Bible.  
We love the tradition of giving all of our 3rd graders a Bible to use in Sunday School, worship, and at home.  Although this year will be a little different, we will still be presenting them in a special way.