New and Upcoming
New classes and Bible studies. Great volunteer opportunities.  Ways to respond to community needs.  When something new is coming to First Methodist, you’ll find it posted here.
Or, if you’d rather the news come to you, sign up for our newsletter here.  If you have something you’d like announced or publicized, email Caitlin. 
ABC Devotionals

ABC Devotionals

ABC Devotionals
Are you enjoying our daily, alphabet-themed devotionals?  These short, fun videos are great for the
whole family.  You can watch them anytime: breakfast, after school, during family dinner, whenever!


Back to School CARnival

Sunday, August 16th. 
Join us for our Back to School CARnival!  Decorate your car and drive through for some fun!  Backpack tags, blessings from our pastors, goodies, and more!  We will also have a donation drop off to make Teacher Encouragement Bags for Caldwell teachers.  You can bring highlighters, gum, post it notes, expo markers, tape, individual snacks or chocolates to donate! Please RSVP here.


August Blood Drive

We are starting back with our on-campus blood drives through Carter BloodCare.  Our first drive is August 23rd and the next drive will be October 25th.


Baby Booties Diaper Bank

We’re now a collection site for Baby Booties Diaper Bank!  You can drop off a donation of diapers, wipes, or feminine hygiene products in the bin by the front door of the church.