New and Upcoming
New classes and Bible studies. Great volunteer opportunities.  Ways to respond to community needs.  When something new is coming to First Methodist, you’ll find it posted here.
Or, if you’d rather the news come to you, sign up for our newsletter here.  If you have something you’d like announced or publicized, email Caitlin. 

Easter Egg Your House!

The youth and children’s ministries want to Easter Egg Your House!  Sign up here to have your house (or a friend or neighbor’s) egged!  More information is on our Lent page.


Egg Your House Event

We want to Easter “egg your house”!  Find out all the info and sign up on our Lent page!


New Time for Fat Tuesday!

Fat Tuesday is rescheduled!  Come out and get your pancake on a stick and your Lent Gift bags!  Tuesday the 23rd from 5-7:30.  More info here.


Event Postponed

Due to weather, our Fat Tuesday event is postponed.  Please check our Lent page for information on when it will be rescheduled!
Lent Gift Bags are available at the office when travel is safe.  Ash Wednesday service will be available online.


Ash Wednesday Service

Join us online for our Ash Wednesday Service.  This will be available to stream all day on our website or on Facebook.  More info here!


Lent Gift Bags

Come by the office or our Fat Tuesday event and pick up your Lent Gift Bag.  Each gift bag includes an olive wood holding cross, bookmark with the Lord’s prayer, a paper hand labyrinth, and a blessing card.  Find more info here.


Fat Tuesday Drive Thru Event

February 16th from 5-7:30pm.

Load up the family and come through the Circle Drive for sausage and pancakes on a stick!  You can also get your Lent Gift Bag and pick up the Lent Activity Packet from our Children’s Minsitry!


January Blood Drive

Blood Drive

Sunday, January 31st  

8:00am to 12:30pm

Church St. Auditorium, lower level

Blood supply is critically low and unstable in our community.  Please help us reach our goal!  If possible, please register online, you can also complete the donor questionnaire online using QuickScreen, and plan on bringing/wearing a mask.  All donors will be tested for COVID antibodies.




We have poinsettias that need a home! Please come pick a few up from under the bell tower. Take them home or leave them for a friend or neighbor! (ASAP 1/8)


2021 Giving Commitment

Your financial gift can make a BIG DIFFERENCE for the mission and ministry of First United Methodist Church McKinney.

Please visit our stewardship page to find out how to give and to fill out your commitment card!