New and Upcoming
New classes and Bible studies. Great volunteer opportunities.  Ways to respond to community needs.  When something new is coming to First Methodist, you’ll find it posted here.
Or, if you’d rather the news come to you, sign up for our newsletter here.  If you have something you’d like announced or publicized, email Caitlin. 

Caldwell Teacher Appreciation Treats!

We are sprinkling our Caldwell Elementary teachers and staff with thanks!  You can help us provide end of year teacher and staff appreciation snacks, treats, and gift cards.  CLICK HERE to donate.
Want to get involved in this ministry?  Email Pam Parmley.


Special Message from Pastor Tommy: Introducing Rev. Chad McSwain

Dear Friends,
It is my honor to announce that Bishop Ruben Saenz Jr. has appointed Rev. Chad McSwain to join our staff as the new pastor for our Melissa congregation. Chad has a heart for preaching, ministry, and leadership. I know he will be a blessing to First United Methodist Church McKinney and Melissa UMC, continuing and building upon the amazing work Pastor Stacey has done in this role.
Chad comes to us from First United Methodist Church Whitesboro, where he has served as Senior Pastor since 2020. He has degrees from Fuller Theological Seminary and Perkins School of Theology, and is currently pursuing his Doctorate.
Chad and his family live here in McKinney. His wife Brandi is an educator, and will be the new Cheer Coach and English Teacher at Jones Middle School next school year. Their oldest daughter Abbie is graduating from Rock Hill High School this year and will be attending the University of Oklahoma. Their son Xander is currently a Sophomore, and youngest daughter Lia is in eighth grade.
I am so excited for you all to meet Chad. He will officially join our staff July 1 – keep an eye on the newsletter and our social media for opportunities to welcome and get to know the McSwains.
The Spirit is at work here. With Chad and his family, in Melissa and McKinney, in our life together as the Church. God will continue to bless us as we share the Heart of Christ together.
Pastor Chad, Xander, Lia, Abbie, & Brandi


Easter EGG-Stravaganza!

Invite friends and come out to our annual Easter EGGstravaganza!  Sunday, March 24th from 3-5pm at The Hub. 
We will have age-appropriate egg hunts, food, and fun for the whole family!
Do you want to help? Email Ms. Cheridy! We also need donations of wrapped candy dropped off at the church office, or shop our Amazon wishlist.


Spring Luncheon

Save the Date!
The United Women in Faith Spring Luncheon for Missions
Saturday, April 20th from 12 – 2pm
Shop our vendors from 11 – 3!
Entertainment by Martyn Lucas
Dyer Hall at First Methodist McKinney
Tickets are $30


2024 Panama Mission Trip

Informational meeting held on February 26th at 7pm in the Parlor and via Zoom.
Two trips in October 2024
Have you ever wanted to go on a mission trip? There will be an Informational meeting held on February 26th at 7pm in the Parlor and via Zoom.
Email Ann Spaight for info You can also stop by the Panama 2024 Mission table in the hall on Sunday. There will be team members there, between services to answer your questions, provide a brochure and share a slideshow of the wonderful work from last year’s trip. 


Valentines for Caldwell Staff


FEB 14th Valentines Day Treats!

We need small baked goods for the Caldwell staff on Valentines Day!  Homemade or bakery bought cookies, brownies, hand pies, or cake pops! The need to be at the church on 2/13 or 2/14 by 9am.

Some volunteers will be needed to help get these luscious treats to the school @ 10:30 am on WEDNESDAY, 2/14- Valentines DAY!

Interested in helping with treats or delivery? Contact Pam!


Women’s Weekend 2024

February 23–25, 2024
The Prothro Center at Lake Texoma
Women’s Weekend is a time for community, connection, worship, and rest. We are so excited to spend this time together! Learn more and register here.  All women are invited – bring a friend!


Help Needed at the Warming Shelter

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! The upcoming forecast calls for very cold weather, and we need help to care for those experiencing homelessness.
The Salvation Army of McKinney offers an overnight warming shelter when the temperature dips to 32 degrees or 35 degrees with rain.  We help support this with volunteers to staff and prepare meals.  You can sign up to work a shift by clicking here.  If you are willing to help cook part of a meal or assist with laundry, please direct any questions to Velvet Hammond 214-726-6484 or email her.


Blood Drive 1/28

January 28th
Church Street Auditorium.
Give the gift of life!  You can click here to register or just show up and donate!


An Evening with the Pokomchi

Sunday, January 21


Dyer Hall

We are excited and honored to welcome visiting Pokomchí delegates from Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. Please join us for an evening of traditional food, music, culture, and fellowship!
Please RSVP for this event by January 17. To help offset the cost of food, we ask for a love offering of $10 per person.  Reservations are now closed.  You can still make a donation to this mission here.