New and Upcoming
New classes and Bible studies. Great volunteer opportunities.  Ways to respond to community needs.  When something new is coming to First Methodist, you’ll find it posted here.
Or, if you’d rather the news come to you, sign up for our newsletter here.  If you have something you’d like announced or publicized, email Caitlin. 

Hanging of the Greens

Come decorate the Sanctuary, Dyer Hall, the Hub, and more for Advent and Christmas!  There will be activities for kids during this time (RSVP on the children’s page).  
Sunday, November 20th


Trunk or Treat


Join us on Sunday, October 30th at 5:00-6:30 pm for this fun and exciting event. We will begin setting up and decorating cars at 4:00 pm to get ready for the children to come at 5:00. We are asking each volunteer to decorate the trunk of your vehicle with a fun theme (and possibly wear a costume to go with your theme), provide 3 bags of candy for your station, and stay to pass out candy to the children of our church and community. We will have people coming around with extra candy if/when you run out.
There will be PRIZES… Most Creative Trunk, Most Creative Way to Deliver Candy, Best Costumes, etc. Let us know what theme your trunk will be, and how many parking spots you will need (in case you want to spread out your set-up). We hope you will join us for this fun event. GET CREATIVE and Have Fun!!



October Blood Drive

There is an urgent need for blood donors!!  Please give if you are able! 

October 23rd Blood Drive

8 to 12:30 at the Church St. Auditorium, lower level (across from church)
ID required.

Bishop's Rally

Get Ready for the Bishop’s Rally!

Bishop's Rally
We are hosting Bishop’s Rally, the biggest gathering of middle school students in our conference, on October 2, 2022. We need your help to welcome people to our church and help guide, direct, and supervise. This is an easy way for us to show our awesome hospitality skills! You don’t have to have a youth or even know a youth to help! We want people of all ages volunteering that day!


Military Fellowship September Meeting

Wednesday, September 14 at 10am in the Parlor.  This is a group for military veterans, those currently serving, and their families.Our guest speaker this month is Greg Hooper who served in the U.S. Army as a member of the 3rd Infantry Regiment (Old Guard), the oldest active duty infantry unit in the Army.  The Old Guard is the Army’s official ceremonial unit and escort to the president.  Among it’s ceremonial platoons is the Guard for the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.  Greg served for 4 years in the Old Guard, doing full honor funeral ceremonies in Arlington Cemetery and also had the honor of guarding the Tomb. Greg lives in Carrollton, TX with his wife, Lynn. They have two children and a grandchild. Greg works as a solutions architect specializing in cybersecurity and data protection.  He stays very active serving in his local church, with the Society of the Honor Guard, and with veteran’s organizations and charities in the DFW area.

For more information contact

Marky Campbell or  Kim Beeby


Fresh Start Fair

We’re excited about this fall! You can feel change all around – school supplies are out, the weather is going to get cooler (hopefully!), and people are looking for a fresh start.  That’s why we want to come together for our second annual Fresh Start Fair.  Have you meant to join a group but haven’t yet?  Want a new place to volunteer? Want to meet new friends? Check out the Fresh Start Fair page to see what the big deal is, learn how to get your church shirt, and sign up your group for the Fair.


Welcoming Opportunities

You can be an usher or a greeter!  It’s a fun and easy job.  Stop by the welcome desk on Sunday morning to learn more, connect with Pastor Macie, or sign up here.


Guatemala Mission: Hope of the Pokomchi

Informational meeting on June 23rd at 7PM in the church’s Parlor
Hope of the Pokomchí, one of First Methodist McKinney’s longest ongoing mission activities, is hosting an informational meeting on June 23rd at 7PM in the church’s Parlor. Attending the meeting will be board members as well as members of previous mission trips. At the meeting, we will discuss plans for future mission trips including a proposed trip in 2023.
To find out more information about our Guatemalan mission please visit the Hope of the Pokomchí website.
Hope of the Pokomchí also participates in the DonorSee program. It is a great and easy way to support the Pokomchí people with projects that speak to you personally. Check out our current projects HERE.
If you have questions, you can email Jay Halderman.


Panama Mission Meeting

June 27th at 7pm in the parlor and via Zoom.

A message from Panama Mission Leader, Ann Spaight:
If anyone has any questions about Panama, how to be part of the team, please 
email me (Ann Spaight) and I will be happy to answer any of the questions that you have. It is definitely not too late to become part of our team! We are just forming and have room and tasks for everyone. 
I have been blessed and privileged to be the Team Leader for the trips along with Rev. Janet Cavalier, our Mission Pastor. I have led the teams for the past 3 to 4 years. While we are in Panama, we have team members working on construction projects, doing medical education and testing, and offering Vacation Bible School to the children.


Next Steps!

Sunday, May 22, 11 am to noon in the Parlor

Are you new here? Or maybe you’ve attended for a long time and are looking for your next steps?
Learn about who we are as a church, our history and ministries, and how you can connect. We’ll show you around with a virtual tour. Bring your questions! All are welcome!
And, if you have been thinking about joining the church, we will offer an opportunity to take the membership vows at the end for those who are interested. For more information about joining, you may visit or contact