New and Upcoming
New classes and Bible studies. Great volunteer opportunities.  Ways to respond to community needs.  When something new is coming to First Methodist, you’ll find it posted here.
Or, if you’d rather the news come to you, sign up for our newsletter here.  If you have something you’d like announced or publicized, email Caitlin. 

Spring Luncheon

United Women in Faith Luncheon 2023
Saturday, April 15th in Dyer Hall
Noon to 2pm.  Tickets are $30
Featuring entertainment by Martyn Lucas!!
For more information, email Paula Byrd.


Ushers & Greeters Wanted

Looking for a way to serve?  Come be part of making worship and welcome and meaningful experience by serving as an usher or greeter!
Email Kathy Parent for more information and to get started.  You can also stop by the welcome desk on Sunday mornings to learn  more.


Special Speaker for Senior Needs

Thursday, March 9 at 1:30 PM
The presentation will be in room E215-225 and on Zoom for those who want to attend online. Please notify Tom Kirwin by email ( or text (214-293-7344) no later than Monday, March 6 if you plan to attend so there will be sufficient seating, or if you need the Zoom link.

Elder law firm Haiman Hogue founder Fred O. Haiman will speak at the Last Changes meeting.  The presentation will cover important family law topics of interest to all families, but with special emphasis on the legal needs of seniors – health care, retirement, disability, guardianship and long-term care, as well as estate planning, probate and business planning. This workshop is designed to break down the legalese to help families understand this complicated area, so they can make the best decisions to protect themselves, their children and their assets. Fred knows firsthand the importance of being prepared; he was inspired to refocus his law practice on estate planning and elder law in 2007, when he experienced a near fatal medical emergency. He moved his firm to Allen in 2013, before merging with Rex Hogue to create Haiman Hogue, PLLC in 2016 


New Bishop Service

Installation Service for Bishop Ruben Saenz, Jr.

Feb. 19th at 4 p.m.
University Park UMC
4024 Caruth Blvd., Dallas, TX 75225

Bishops in The United Methodist Church are called to guard the faith, seek unity, exercise the discipline of the whole church and supervise and support the church’s life, work and mission throughout the world.

Clergy and laity from across the North Texas and Central Texas Conferences are invited to join at University Park UMC to recognize and celebrate Bishop Ruben Saenz Jr.’s assignment.


Fat Tuesday Pancake Dinner

Fat Tuesday Pancake Dinner

6-7:30pm on February 21st @ The Hub

Come enjoy pancakes, bacon, eggs, and more!  There will be masks to decorate and fun table games for all ages.

ALL are welcome! Invite friends and neighbors!


Lenten Studies

Adam Hamilton’s “Luke: Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts, and Outlaws”
Mondays, 7pm, beginning Feb. 27 – 6 sessions. Led by Gary Clay.
CLICK HERE to sign up.
“Witness to the Cross” by Amy Jill-Levine
Thursday mornings at 9:30.  Rose Christian Bible Study


Military Fellowship February Meeting

February Meeting: Everyone is welcome!!

We will meet and hear from Lance Olinski, CEO and Founder of Streetside Showers. Everyone is welcome!

February 8th at 10 am in Dyer Hall


Mission Panama Informational Meeting

There will be a Panama Mission Trip Informational Meeting on February 27 at 7pm in the Parlor and via Zoom. Our next mission trip to Panama is October 7-15, 2023. We will be celebrating our 10th anniversary of working under the leadership of Dr. Rev. David & Cindy Ceballos and alongside the indigenous people of Panama. Come hear more about this exciting trip that includes medical, medical support (no experience needed), construction, and working with children. There is a place for everyone! Want to know more? Email Ann Spaight.
You can also click here to visit our Panama page to learn more about our mission and see pictures of our team in action!


Women’s Weekend

Come join is for Women’s Weekend 2023! This is a wonderful chance to connect and enjoy fun, faith, and fellowship. We will be digging into Colossians 2:7 and what it means for our lives; “Be rooted and built up in Christ, be established in faith, and overflow with thanksgiving just as you were taught.”
Prothro Center on Lake Texoma
February 24 – 26


Spring Studies

We have many classes and groups who are starting Spring Studies.  Here are a few, but you can look at all our groups here.
Open Hearts Women’s Bible Study will begin our spring semester with Adam Hamilton’s Forgiveness:Finding Peace Through Letting Go. In this book and DVD study Hamilton shows how to receive the freedom that comes with forgiving – even if we are the ones who need forgiving. 
All are welcome to join us on Wednesdays at 9:30 in the Youth Hub Conference Room starting January 11, 2023. For more information, contact Patti Churner at
United Women in Faith is having their first meeting of 2023 on 1/16 @ 9:30 at the Market Street @ El dorado & Ridge (meet upstairs).  Come share a snack and meet women of faith in mission and ministry.  
Military and Veterans Fellowship is having their January meeting on 1/11 at 10am in Dyer Hall.  The guest speaker this month is Bob Simpson, a member at FUMC who relocated to McKinney a couple of years ago following his retirement from the Veterans Administration in Birmingham. Bob will be discussing a unique VA program he worked in at the Birmingham VA hospital, the Blind Rehabilitation Service. As always, we’ll have coffee and snacks and an opportunity to catch up.  If you have any questions, please email me at or call me at 301-802-3732. 

Last Changes Study/Support Group for Seniors is a small group that meets the 2nd and 4th Thursdays monthly at the church and online via Zoom. Their purpose is:

• To learn and to share information about aging with grace, living life fully, and dying with hope
• To take a spiritual approach to facing questions and concerns about aging
• To explore “last changes” from a practical, legal, medical, psychological, emotional and spiritual perspective
Their next meeting is Thursday, January 14 at 130 PM in room E215-225. Newcomers are always welcome. Contact Tom Kirwin (214-293-7344) for more information or for Zoom instructions.
Sarah Circle will meet Monday, January 16 at 6:00pm in the home of Marion Howell. We will be sorting and bagging items to have distributed to the Community Health Clinic patients as gift bags. Items, such as, shaving cream, wallet, gas gift card, razor, etc. are welcome for men. For women hand lotion, perfume, small jewelry, nice soap, etc. would be good. Bring any collected items and a snack to share to Marion’s to start our new 2023 year helping others and having fellowship together. Contact Debbie Mishler (214-546-4350) for information about Sarah Circle.