Bridgeport Summer Camps

JUNIOR/SR HIGH SCHOOL CAMP https://www.bridgeportcamp.org/camp-schedule/

January 2023 Blood Drive

A New Year for Saving Lives!
January 29th Blood Drive
8 to 12:30

New Years Day Worship Schedule

Please note there will be no 8:00 a.m. Sanctuary worship on January 1, 2023. All our other services will take place as normal. We hope you join us in person or online to start the new year with worship and communion!

Christmas Choir Concert!

December 4, 7:00 p.m.

Charge Conference 2022

3:00 p.m.
Trietsch Memorial UMC
6101 Morriss Rd
Flower Mound, TX 75028

A Night in Bethlehem

A Night in Bethlehem
Volunteer and Donations Information
There are four ways you can get involved in this community outreach event:
- Host a station by acting and helping kids with project- SIGN UP HERE.
- Sponsor a station by making a monetary donation HERE and selecting “Children’s Ministry.”
- Decorate the Kids Zone on November 29th 9-2 or a station before the event on Sunday Dec 11th.
- Invite friends, family, and neighbors, and come out the the event!
We also have opportunities for greeters and photographers. Please contact Cheridy Dodd to find out more information.

Angel Tree Volunteers Wanted!

Calling all Angel Tree Helpers!
The Caldwell Angel Tree will be up in the Dyer Hall hallway on 11/20/2022 ready to adopt our Angels. We have been given 300 Angels that need to be adopted! If you could help members adopt, complete the sign out sheet, and give out trash bags on 11/20, 11/27 and 12/04 between all services, please email Ann Spaight.
This is a great opportunity for a family to do before a service or for a Sunday School class to do before or after class. Be an elf!

Special Food Donation Request

Caldwell Christmas Food Pantry
At this year’s Caldwell Christmas event, we will have a pop up food pantry. Parents can “shop” for food items during the event. WE NEED DONATIONS! Would your group or class be interested in donating any of the following?
- 150 2lb sacks of masa
- 150 2lb sacks of white sugar
- 150 small bottles of cooking oil

Women in Faith

The United Methodist Women are now “United Women in Faith”
Our guest speaker this month is Dr. Ellen Palmer. She will be speaking to us about our church’s mission in Haiti, as well as other interesting topics. Invite a friend!
Our mission focus this month is socks for those experiencing homelessness. Please bring donations of adult socks

Hanging of the Greens