We’re glad you’re here! Some of us are attending in person and some online, and these links are helpful for everyone. Below you will find resources to help you stay connected in worship! If you need help with any of the areas below or with worshiping online, please email for assistance.
Online or in person, please use this form to sign in and submit your attendance whenever you worship! You may also add any updates to your contact information and leave a comment if you want. Thank you! We love to know that you connected with us in worship!
Follow along with the order of worship, see the words to the special music, look up the Scripture, and find the weekly prayer list. For Wellspring, spiritual formation notes are included.
Be in the know! Sign up for our weekly email newsletter and stay updated on all the events and missions of the church. Optional Children’s, Youth, and Melissa UMC email lists are also available. You can find a listing of upcoming activities at News + Events.
Share a joy or concern for prayer here. A pastor will contact you if you would like. You can select whether you would like your prayer request shared with the congregation or only with the pastors for prayer.
Are you feeling the time is right for you to join the church? We would be happy to welcome you! Click here to find out more or contact Rev. Macie Liptoi, mliptoi@sharingtheheart.org.
You can give your tithes and offerings through our secure online giving portal, by texting SHARINGTHEHEART to 73256, by mail to 315 N. Church St., McKinney, TX 75069, through bank giving, and more. For more information, click here. Your faithful generosity supports the ministries of the church to share the love of Jesus Christ with the world.